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About Me

I am Anıl Demir, a game developer and graphic artist currently living in Warsaw, Poland.


I was born in Adapazarı, Turkey in 1989. Started drawing from early ages of my childhood. I had studies of science till the end of my high school. I got graduated from Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Bilkent University, Ankara in 2013. I did not really like technical regulations and linear lines of architecture so started developing my traditional and digital graphical skills while I was studying. I met my beautiful wife back in university and we decided to live together in Warsaw right after my graduation. Right now I study third year of New Media Graphic Design at Polsko-Japonska Akademia Technik Komputerowych in Warsaw, Poland.


I count myself as born a gamer since I had Commodore 64 in my house when I was born. I started playing games at 6 with the old machine and at 10 I got my first desktop PC. Since then I never left playing video games and always had the dream of developing my own game one day. After I moved to Poland, I got the chance to step up and start my adventure. I learnt programming, many different software, what games consist of and I found friends who are also into game development. Eventhough I still do not have a finished title, I have handful of games in progress nowadays.

If you would like to support my work, you can purchase my games on


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